
Your Network Marketing System Must Be Easy to Duplicate!

Today's message will help you take a look at some areas
where duplication is critical to your success in building a
network marketing home based business:

Is your way of getting mlm prospects something that not only
works, but is easy for your team to duplicate
(i.e. can they do it and can they afford it)?

Is your way of presenting your mlm business not only effective,
but something that is easy for your team to duplicate?

Is the way you follow up with prospects not only automated
and effective, but is it something that is easy for your
network marketing team to duplicate?

Are you noticing a pattern here ... let me continue ...

When you train someone, is it not only effective, but is it
something that anyone on your team can easily duplicate ... or ...

Do they need to be a master trainer or spend a lot of time
training others in their mlm downline?

Do you have a way to easily get people to join your business
so it is easy for them to get people to join their business?

Once people get started in your network marketing business,
do they immediately know what to do so they are successful
and can they easily show others what to do so you don't have
the blind leading the blind?

Let me share with you a few key ideas to make sure you
can have an mlm organization that duplicates itself ...

1) You need to first make sure that everyone on your team
understands that Duplication is the Key to Success
in their network marketing business.

2) Your team needs to have a System as a "way to do your
business" that includes the ability to help anyone get a Lot
of Quality Prospects for FREE (without this you will fail)!

3) Your business system needs to be easy for anyone to
be successful in network marketing.

Look forward to my next message where I'll teach you why:

Systems are the Key to Duplication In Network Marketing

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