
Why build your own dreams?

I once heard this story about a young man climbing the
corporate ladder. We'll say his name is Keith just for
sake of the story.

Keith's Boss and owner of the company had called him in to
his office one day to share something with him.

The boss asked Keith to come over to the window of his
office and they peered out over the horizon. The boss said
"Keith, what a view huh." Keith said "Yes sir it's a great view"

"Keith, you see that Yacht in the Marina down there?"
"Yes sir"
"You see that long stretched limosine down there
on the street?"
"Yes sir"
"You see that Luxurious Home on the hill there,
with the red sports car?"
"Yes sir"

"Keith, if you dedicate all of your free time, work extra
hours each day, work extra days each week, truly dedicate
yourself to this company, for the next 35-40 years, and
with very little vacation time in between, ....all those things
you see out there..... one day they will all be mine!"

Now the moral of this story is that the longer you work
for someone else the more and more you help them build
their dreams and put yours on the back burner. We all had
dreams and aspirations when we were younger. And as we
got older it seems they were just stripped away from us.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't help people, that's the
futherest from what I'm saying. Helping people is one of
the main purposes of life.

But you should start now building your dreams. Make a
decision to enhance you/your families life today. Don't wait,
procrastination is the biggest killer of peoples dreams.

I see and hear people daily say, I wish I could do this or if
I had this, life would be so much better, if I had enough
money I could do this. I wish I could pay more tithes at church.
All kinds of stuff.

Life is all about choices. We all chose to be where we are
today. Now here me out before you get all huffy on me.
Think back the past five years. What did you do to improve
your financial life? Get a better paying job? Pay off all your bills?
Make investments that put money in your pocket instead
of take money from your pockets? Start a home based business?

See five years from now you will be in one of two places.
Better off financially or in the same rut your stuck in now.
You have to make the choice. No one can do it for you.
There are tools and resources to help you.
This blog is one of them.

Proverbs 13:22
A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children,
but the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous.

Happy Building

Ronald Cheek

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