
How Not To Do Network Marketing

This is a hilarious video by Karen
that shows you how not to do Network
Marketing. To learn the right way
visit the link title above.

If you never fail you will never WIN!

This is a truely inspiring video that just
proves that if you never try you'll never
succeed. And if you don't fail you can't win.


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People don't care until they know YOU care.

People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

This will not be a very long article, as the Secret to MLM Success is not a long secret.

Many people think that to succeed in network Marketing, you need to have the ultimate this, and the ultimate that. You need an internet MLM prospecting system. You need the latest MLM training CDs. You need the latest MLM training book, tools and websites. You need to attend every seminar. You need the latest DVD. The Latest CD. You need everything that is coming out, as you are supposed to be learning and being educated and I highly recommend continued learning and expanding your knowledge of Network Marketing.

Nothing wrong with any of that, as we sell them as well as a company, but they are NOT THE Secret to Network Marketing Success. These are tools that help you reach your goals

I was recently blessed to do a meeting in Greensboro, NC and was talking about recruiting in network marketing. Someone asked a great question:

"What is THE secret to Networking? Everyone seems to have a different twist, and a different 'secret.' My upline tells me one thing, and my sponsor tells me another. I go on training calls, and I hear something else. I listen to generic training CDs and hear something else. It is all so confusing. HELP!!!!"

I was quite at a loss of words.

I really did not know what to say to that. But God always seems to come through at the right time, and I started answering his question without realizing it.

All I said was...

"Everything you learn can help you, and all the trainers, upline, and sponsors you can learn from. You may even learn something today from what we are training on. And I highly recommend to my team and our prospects to continue to learn and better themselves.

But understand, if there is ONE secret to Success in this business, it is this:

"Make a conversation with people about THEM, what THEY want in life, what THEIR dreams are, and then show them a SOLUTION that will transform their life. We call it becoming a 'Information Specialist.' DO NOT sell them anything. DO NOT recruit them. Simply keep the conversation spotlight on them. Do not talk about you but talk about them, pour encouragement into them, and then show them how your business can CATALYZE that transformation they are seeking in their life. Let them know that your business is not for everyone, but if it is for them, and you do not want them to miss it. Do not pressure, but instead, REASSURE them. Reassure them that their life can be more than they ever thought or imagined it could be. And then show them the Success path that is transforming your life." Share the information with them in the tools I referred to in the paragraph above.

You are not there to sell them something or recruit them. Those transactions are the FRUIT of a informing conversation. Learning about them and their desires and needs. Then showing them how to acheive it with your system and business tools.


If you are focused more on creating a transformation in a person then a transaction, then your transactions will multiply. And multiply beyond belief.

Most distributors are totally focused on creating a transaction that will create a paycheck for themselves, or they are just recruiting to get a check. Focus on transforming the prospect's paycheck and your paycheck will automatically be transformed in the process.

In simple words:

Hold a transforming conversation to create a transaction in Network Marketing. That is it. Every conversation and telephone call in MLM are potential transformational events. And this is a Higher Realm of working Network Marketing.

Is this Different?


The Truth of what it takes to succeed in MLM?


Become a Information Specialist in Network Marketing. You will not only transform others lives, but also your own in MLM and Network Marketing.


Are you being efficient or effective in your MLM business

Efficiency can kill your business! Learn to become
more Effective at presenting and marketing your MLM business.
Frustration can be a killer to your business. And rightfully so,
as we all go through frustration from time to time.

You know, it’s when you don't feel like doing anything. Talk to anybody and you are starting to doubt this business really works.

At least not for you. I've Been there?

You may be thinking that you want to do this business, but nothing is working and you seem to be working your rear end off. You make the calls, and nothing happens. You follow up and nothing happens. Your prospects disappear without a trace.

You are thinking--"Can I REALLY do this?"

But yet you are BUSY.

Busy at doing what?

There is a difference in MLM & Network Marketing, between being EFFICIENT and being EFFECTIVE. The average distributor in his or her Network Marketing Business is Efficient. But LEADERS in this business are EFFECTIVE at marketing their business.

EFFICIENT: is doing things right. And yes, you must do things right or this business will not work as it should.

EFFECTIVE: is doing the right things and THEN doing them right again and again.

Most people in MLM never grow past Efficient (If they even grow at all) and they work their enterprise the best they know how, and yet it seems to never really grow that much.

You seem to be doing everything right.

But the question is -- are you doing the right things? Like effectively Marketing?

There is only one thing we will ever get paid for in MLM and Network Marketing and that is MARKETING.


Your Job is to do one thing: Create EFFECTIVE Marketing Exposures and a LOT of them. That's it for the new person. That is what you should focus on and no more.

Here is a Radical Paradigm Shift for you: Your job # 1 is NOT to sell. Your job is NOT to recruit. Your job is NOT to train. Those are FRUITS of an EFFECTIVE Marketing Exposure. Those are what GROW and Blossoms from an EFFECTIVE Marketing Exposure and Communication.

Your JOB #1 is to create an EFFECTIVE Marketing exposure about your business and products through magnetic communication which attracts the prospect to take action. Take action NOW.

You may be BUSY, but busy at making ineffective Exposures, which are killing your business and your self esteem. And it can be corrected so easily. What creates an EFFECTIVE Exposure?

Three things:

1) IMPACT. Your job is NOT to INFORM but create IMPACT. Most people who are BUSY and EFFICIENT focus on DETAILS --Facts, and the information. Folks who get rich in MLM and Network Marketing create an IMPACT and they are not focused on Details but the Destiny. The prospect's destiny--they move the prospect on the inside by talking about what waits for their life and future on the outside.

They MLM Leaders are not focused on their own paycheck --but focused on the PROSPECT.

And Network Marketing Leaders are not focused on the Process as much as the Power of Change, as they know they are in the LIFE CHANGING BUSINESS.

2) Emotional Connection.

You must create an Emotional Connection with the prospect.


Simple... you focus on what they want to change in their life for the better or add to in their life the most, and then show them how your network marketing business and products can help bring that into their life.

They must develop an emotional connection to the product, to the business, or to you as a Leader and you must create the possibility that what their life is missing can be obtained through you and your MLM company. And then show them how they can do it too.

With an EFFECTIVE Communication tool called a Presentation Video online, or on DVD. This takes you out of the process and the tool effectively does the marketing and communication.


Let me ask you a question:

Would you buy a car that had no value to you?
Would you buy a house that had no value to you?
Would you buy a pair of shoes that had no value to you?

Your prospect will never start moving towards you as long as they don't see VALUE in what you are offering, what you are doing, and who you are.

Of course not.

Guess what?


You MUST show Value to the prospect how your MLM or Network Marketing business can help them in everything that you do and say.


Find out what THEY VALUE in their life, and show them how your MLM Business, Products, and YOU can help increase that in their life. I call it the "4 Major Wants of Lifestyle":

People are looking today to "INCREASE, EXPAND, ENLARGE and EMPOWER themselves and their family's life" and you simply must show them how you can help them do that.

What are you spending your time doing in MLM?


How about getting EFFECTIVE at Marketing your business and products, and let all of the above be the FRUIT of your actions --not the sole focus?

If you do that, your results will bloom massively like fruit on a tree--a MONEY TREE!

And your growth will be UNSTOPPABLE in this business of MLM and Network Marketing.

Click Here to see a system that allows me to be more effective at presenting the MLM and Network Marketing Industry to prospects. It is a system that our team uses to effectively teach and share the benefits of the Network Marketing industry with those that are looking to better their financial situation.

We are effectively reaching 50 to 100 prospects daily without selling, telling or cold calling leads. I can share these tips and techniques with you. Browse the links on the side for recommended readings that I have used to effectively implement the same techniques.

To Your Success


A Great System Requires Effective Marketing

We’ve been sharing a free E-Course with our clients for years
from a top Google Adwords Expert named Perry Marshall.

Google Adwords is also known as Pay Per Click or what Internet
Marketers refer to as PPC.

Perry said “Nobody who bought a drill actually wanted a drill ...

They wanted a hole.

Therefore, if you want to sell drills, you should advertise
information about making holes ... NOT information about drills!”

Think about that statement for a minute ...
and then let me ask you this question:

Are you advertising the hole or the drill?

If you’re not sure, here’s a hint ... your home business is the drill ...
“wanting to successfully make money from home” is the hole.

Key Point - Effective Online Marketing is the ability to educate a lot of
people about how their greatest needs (their “hole”) can be filled
with your product, service, or business opportunity (your “drill”)
and motivate them to take some type of desired action.

My definition of “Effective Online Marketing” has several very key
components as follows:

1) You must start by educating a lot of your prospects, automatically,
(don’t sell them right away)
2) Your focus needs to be on their “hole” (their greatest needs)
3) You must show the connection how your product, service or
home business opportunity (your “drill”) acheives their “hole”
4) You must get them to take some desired action

For #1 the key is to EDUCATE them and establish yourself as
an expert so that they will come to you ... and the other key
point about #1 is to educate a LOT of prospects so that emotionally
you won’t feel like you “need” any particular prospect.

For #2 your focus needs to be on their needs ... and here’s where
I’ve found that almost all network marketers have failed ...

Look forward to my next message where I'll teach you:

Points #3 and #4


Systems are the Key to Duplication in Network Marketing

W. Edwards Deming was known as
"The Father of The Quality Evolution".
Deming was a manufacturing and quality control guru who
helped Japan rebuild after World War II.

Key Point - Deming said, "People want to succeed. They want
to do a good job. They don't like to turn out lousy work.
If your people are consistently failing, it's not their fault ...
it's your system's fault."

Do you have a Network Marketing System that works?

The way that you introduce your prospect to your MLM Business
is often the Key Reason whether they join your business or not.

Let me repeat that because this is a profound statement,
and it needs to be something you not only understand ...
but something that you do.

The way that you introduce your prospect to your business is
often the Key Reason whether they join your business or not.

So what do I mean by "the way you introduce your prospect to
your business is often the KEY REASON whether they join your
business or not?"

Hint ... remember CIDI (They want to know, Can I Do It)?

Well, rather than immediately tell you, I'm going to ask you
some questions.

Do most people have a lot of free time? No

What if some distributor (let's call them Joe) introduces you
(pretend you are a prospect now) to their MLM Opportunity
and takes 30 minutes to do it?

What would you think? You'd probably think ...

Well, it took Joe 30 minutes so I guess I'd need to spend 30
minutes to introduce this MLM opportunity every time I
want to share it with others ... and I don't have much free time!

By the way, I'm not saying you shouldn't spend time with
your prospects ... the Key Point here is I'm talking about when
you Initially Introduce your opportunity to others.

Now, back to my example with Joe the distributor and you as a prospect.

Would you join Joe's company if you thought it took 30 minutes
to introduce the business to every prospect and time was a
major concern for you? Of course not ...

Would it matter how great the opportunity is and all of the
benefits they offer (remember the benefits we discussed previously)?

Of course not ... Why ... Remember CIDI (Can I Do It)!

Key Point - If the way you Introduce your business is
something that doesn't work for your prospect then they
will never join your business. K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Silly)

Look out for upcoming posts where I will share with you how to
get paid from your leads and prospects whether they join
your opportunity or not.

This is some really hot stuff that the gurus kept silent for years.

I will share them with you for free.


Your Network Marketing System Must Be Easy to Duplicate!

Today's message will help you take a look at some areas
where duplication is critical to your success in building a
network marketing home based business:

Is your way of getting mlm prospects something that not only
works, but is easy for your team to duplicate
(i.e. can they do it and can they afford it)?

Is your way of presenting your mlm business not only effective,
but something that is easy for your team to duplicate?

Is the way you follow up with prospects not only automated
and effective, but is it something that is easy for your
network marketing team to duplicate?

Are you noticing a pattern here ... let me continue ...

When you train someone, is it not only effective, but is it
something that anyone on your team can easily duplicate ... or ...

Do they need to be a master trainer or spend a lot of time
training others in their mlm downline?

Do you have a way to easily get people to join your business
so it is easy for them to get people to join their business?

Once people get started in your network marketing business,
do they immediately know what to do so they are successful
and can they easily show others what to do so you don't have
the blind leading the blind?

Let me share with you a few key ideas to make sure you
can have an mlm organization that duplicates itself ...

1) You need to first make sure that everyone on your team
understands that Duplication is the Key to Success
in their network marketing business.

2) Your team needs to have a System as a "way to do your
business" that includes the ability to help anyone get a Lot
of Quality Prospects for FREE (without this you will fail)!

3) Your business system needs to be easy for anyone to
be successful in network marketing.

Look forward to my next message where I'll teach you why:

Systems are the Key to Duplication In Network Marketing


Duplicating vs. Recruiting

Your business and your entire life will change radically when
you focus on Duplicating instead of Recruiting.

So what do I mean by focusing on Duplicating?

Tim was making on average about $22,000 per week and
was the #1 distributor in his company. When he had a qualified
prospect on the phone that had already watched his video
presentation of his opportunity and had also been on a conference
call to get their questions answered ... he did NOT try to
enroll them himself!

Let me repeat that ...Tim was the #1 income earner in his
company ... and was making approximately $22,000 per week.
Yet, when he had a qualified prospect on the phone, he did
not try to enroll that person by himself.

Why? Because Tim knew that Duplication is the Key to Success
in building a home based business!

Tim knew that if he enrolled the prospect, that the prospect
would think that they would need to enroll their prospects ...
and remember my CIDI acronym? Can I Do It?

What if the prospect doesn't "think" they can enroll a prospect?
Would they join Tim's business? Of course not ...
so what did Tim do?

Tim always brought another person on the phone when it was
time to enroll someone ...Now what did this do for the prospect?
The prospect experienced ...Tim getting support and having
someone else ask the enrolling questions ... And what do you
think that made the prospect think?

The prospect thought ... hey, if I join this business, I don't
need to be the one to enroll my prospects ... I can call someone
else just like Tim did with me!

Do you see the brilliance in this?

Click Here for the Viral Prospector System Now

Look forward to my next message where I'll teach you why:
Your Business Must be Simple and Easy to Duplicate


How To Attrack the Right People to your Network Marketing Business

Some sayings are worth their weight in gold ...

You can say all of the "wrong" things to the "right" person and
they'll still join your business ... and you can say all of the "right"
things to the "wrong" person and they'll never join your business.

Key Point - The key to successfully building a network marketing
business is your ability to attract the "right" people who are
already interested in joining your networking home based business.

And where do these people exist (in large numbers) and how
do you find them?

First you need to identify a Key Influential Person who has
access to a large number of your "Ideal" prospects ...
And who are your "Ideal" prospects ...

People who are ALREADY involved in a home based business,
but they aren't having the level of success that they truly want.

Remember our last message where we talked about CIDI?

When you show them that they Can Do It they will join your business.

So, how would you find a large number of people who are already
involved in a network marketing home based business, but not
really satisfied?

Look for a "Leader" who has an existing organization.

Leaders are already convinced of the value of building a network
marketing home based business.

But some leaders are very loyal to their existing business, while
other leaders are very open to change. People who are advertising
to build their home based business by placing ads in newspapers,
magazines, online etc. are the leaders who are serious about
building their network marketing business.

I've found that when you follow up with them about a month
after their ad, then you can have a great opportunity to see if
they're open to your business.

For example, I would save their ad and contact them about a
month after you saw their ad. Then say something like the following:

Hi (First Name of person who placed the ad), I noticed you placed
an ad last month (tell them where) and I'm curious how you are
doing with your current business.

If I could show you a way to have a lot more success with another
opportunity, would you be open to looking at it?

Then simply send them to your website and let your website begin the "Presentation Process" (we'll talk more about this at a later date.)

Look forward to my next message where I'll teach you:

Focus on Duplicating rather than Enrolling

To Your Success



Successful People Take Action

And continually improve themselves.

To help you learn how to successfully build a network
marketing online home based business, we will provide you
with valuable tips and strategies spread over time.

So let's get started ... whether you are currently involved in a
network marketing online business or thinking about starting
one, you've heard of all the benefits ...

The Benefits:
*Work Whenever You WantFrom Wherever You Want
*Take 20 Second Commutes to Work (No More Rush Hour Traffic)!
*Enjoy a Lot More Quality Time with Your Loved Ones
*Freedom to Do What You Want Whenever You Want
*Great Tax Savings
*Ability to Be the Boss
And MUCH More!

So with all those great reasons to be involved in a network
marketing online, home based business, why doesn't everyone
join a home based business ... especially your business?

Every person considering joining a online home based business
has as their major concern (whether they ever tell you or not)
the following:

Can I Do It?(or CIDI for short)

This must be addressed and in a way that the prospect believes
they really can be successful at building your network marketing
online home based business, or they'll never join your opportunity.

Think about it ... most top network marketing leaders, when
presenting their business opportunity, focus on telling the
prospect all about the benefits ... read this again but remember
this key point ...

Prospects don't care about the benefits if they don't think they
can successfully build your network marketing home based business.
......Key Point - They care about CIDI(Can I Do It)

Look forward to my next message where I'll show you:

How to Attract the Right People

I also want to share this video that goes with this post.
This is a video from Tim Sales, one of the Leaders in
the Network Marketing Industry explaining why most
people fail in Network Marketing and how to avoid it.

MLM: Do Most People Fail?


Why build your own dreams?

I once heard this story about a young man climbing the
corporate ladder. We'll say his name is Keith just for
sake of the story.

Keith's Boss and owner of the company had called him in to
his office one day to share something with him.

The boss asked Keith to come over to the window of his
office and they peered out over the horizon. The boss said
"Keith, what a view huh." Keith said "Yes sir it's a great view"

"Keith, you see that Yacht in the Marina down there?"
"Yes sir"
"You see that long stretched limosine down there
on the street?"
"Yes sir"
"You see that Luxurious Home on the hill there,
with the red sports car?"
"Yes sir"

"Keith, if you dedicate all of your free time, work extra
hours each day, work extra days each week, truly dedicate
yourself to this company, for the next 35-40 years, and
with very little vacation time in between, ....all those things
you see out there..... one day they will all be mine!"

Now the moral of this story is that the longer you work
for someone else the more and more you help them build
their dreams and put yours on the back burner. We all had
dreams and aspirations when we were younger. And as we
got older it seems they were just stripped away from us.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't help people, that's the
futherest from what I'm saying. Helping people is one of
the main purposes of life.

But you should start now building your dreams. Make a
decision to enhance you/your families life today. Don't wait,
procrastination is the biggest killer of peoples dreams.

I see and hear people daily say, I wish I could do this or if
I had this, life would be so much better, if I had enough
money I could do this. I wish I could pay more tithes at church.
All kinds of stuff.

Life is all about choices. We all chose to be where we are
today. Now here me out before you get all huffy on me.
Think back the past five years. What did you do to improve
your financial life? Get a better paying job? Pay off all your bills?
Make investments that put money in your pocket instead
of take money from your pockets? Start a home based business?

See five years from now you will be in one of two places.
Better off financially or in the same rut your stuck in now.
You have to make the choice. No one can do it for you.
There are tools and resources to help you.
This blog is one of them.

Proverbs 13:22
A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children,
but the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous.

Happy Building

Ronald Cheek